Friday, October 8, 2010

Try This Fabulous Fall Breakfast                                         
The Delicious Date Milk Shake

Ayurveda recommends drinking milk daily.  It is said to strengthen the body, calm the mind,  revitalize the senses, and increase 'Ojas'.

 Ojas is a refined substance the body produces from the most subtle level of proper digestion. Ojas brings strength, strong immunity, happiness, and contentment.The literal translation of Ojas is 'vigor'...but it is much more, it is the fluid of life.

When a person'e ojas is depleted they are lacking in vitality, have less resilience to physical and emotional stress, and, are more likely to feel a sense of emptiness, anxiety and depression.

Date milk shakes are incredibly delicious and deeply nourishing.  They are the perfect alternative to smoothies. Generally, smoothies are hard on the digestive system. They are cold, heavy and combine milk and fruit, a combination that according to the ancient texts (remember ancient = tried & true) is actually quite bad for you.

Here's How:
    •    3 whole dates (Medjool is best)
    •    1 cup whole organic milk (preferably not homogenized, raw organic whole milk is best)
    •    2 pinches cinnamon powder, 1 pinch cardamom, 1 pinch ginger, a few strands saffron
    •    10 almonds that have been soaked overnight, rinsed and peeled

Boil milk with the spices, except the saffron, until it foams once, then add the saffron.

Blend the warm milk with the dates and almonds until they are finely ground.

* Optional, 1 teaspoon of organic ghee for an even more nourishing meal.

Got Ojas? Dates, almonds, ghee and milk are all foods that increase ojas in the body.

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